Lions Gate Celebration of Nature Competition 2013 Results
Overall we came in 13th place out of 27 clubs, with a club score of 215.5. The highest club score was 257.0 (North Shore Photographic Society).
The following is a list of all our images, listed in order by official score. Our thanks and congratulations to everyone who contributed to this contest.
There are two scores shown next to each image:
Official - The offical score awarded by the Lions Gate judges.
Local - The score awarded by our judges in the local competition to select our club's 10 images to send to the competition.
Milford Sound, by Doug Lamb (24.5 official, 25 local)Puffin, by Bob Steventon (24.5 official, 24 local)A Prickly Perch, by Joy Miller (23.5 official, 23 local)River Rock Moss, by Joann Francis (23.5 official, 21.5 local)Purple Finch, by Greg Drozda (21.5 official, 21.5 local)Stone Sheep, by Debbie Dow (21.0 official, 22 local)Feeding Time, by Carole Bailey (20.5 official, 22 local) "Bull Elk Battle for a Harem, by Bill Bailey (19.5 official, 23 local)Stackable Mushrooms, by Debbie Malm (19.0 official, 22 local) Sneaky Snake, by Wayne Carlton (18.0 official, 22 local)